Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another day, another GPT site. That's the overall impression I get from It's fine, entirely adequate, and OK. OK, maybe that's a little too harsh, as this site does have some nice features. First of all, there are 3 payouts a month rather than the standard 3. Second, offers are nicely organized, and completed offers stay on lists but have updated statuses like "pending" or "approved." Finally, this is a veteran site that pays, which can never be underestimated in this business.

The other side of the coin is a pretty ugly website, which doesn't make you want to spend anymore time on it than necessary. Furthermore, CoT lacks the bells and whistles of the better sites: no surveys, no mini-games, a couple unattainable bonuses.

Overall, is a great option for people that have already signed up with the higher rated sites and still want to increase their monthly income. Not the first site you should join, but not one to be avoided either: B-

Joined: April 2007

Unbanked Earnings to Date: $6.40
Banked Earnings: $0.00

Will post scanned checks/prizes when I receive them

Referral Link:

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